Certified Safety Class A Burn Kit - K616-017

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  • First aid for burns: Provides essential supplies for initial treatment of Class A burns, which involve damage to the skin and underlying tissues caused by heat, fire, or scalding liquids.
  • Comprehensive burn supplies: Contains a variety of burn dressings, gels, and ointments to help soothe and protect the affected area.
  • Relief from pain and discomfort: Includes analgesic solutions, creams, or sprays to alleviate pain associated with burns.
  • Cooling and hydration: Offers products like cold compresses, hydrogel dressings, or sterile water to help cool and hydrate the burnt area.
  • Protection and coverage: Provides non-adhesive burn dressings or sterile gauze to cover and protect the burn from further damage or infection.
  • Easy-to-use supplies: Designed for user-friendly application, with clear instructions on how to properly use each item.
  • Compact and portable: Packaged in a portable case or bag, allowing for easy storage, transport, and quick access during emergencies.
  • Occupational safety compliance: Complies with specific safety standards and regulations for workplace environments where burn risks are present.
  • Refillable and customizable: Allows for easy restocking and customization based on specific needs or requirements.
  • Promotes prompt treatment: Facilitates immediate response and proper care for burns, minimizing the risk of complications and promoting faster healing.

Certified Safety Class A ANSI Burn Relief Kit (Model: 16PW-K616-017)

Get reliable and certified safety with the Class A ANSI burn relief kit. This comprehensive kit is designed to provide fast and effective burn relief in emergency situations. In this article, we'll explore the features and benefits of this kit, explaining why it's a must-have for any workplace or site where burn injuries may occur.

Article Outline

1. What is the Class A ANSI Burn Relief Kit?

Discover the Class A ANSI burn relief kit and understand its purpose, contents, and importance in providing emergency burn care. We'll discuss how this kit meets the new ANSI 21 Z308.1 standard and its role in treating workplace injuries.

2. What Does the Class A ANSI Burn Relief Kit Include?

Learn about the contents of the burn relief kit, from burn dressings and bandages to specialized tools for effective burn treatment. We'll detail the individual boxed contents and how they contribute to the kit's functionality.

3. How Does the Class A ANSI Burn Relief Kit Ensure Safety and Efficiency?

Find out how this kit guarantees safety and efficiency in emergency burn care. From its strong latches and pre-drilled holes for easy removal of wall-mounted kits to its color-coded back plates for quick inventory management, we'll explore the features that make this kit secure and user-friendly.

4. How to Use the Class A ANSI Burn Relief Kit?

Get step-by-step instructions on how to properly use the burn relief kit in case of a burn injury. We'll explain the recommended procedures, including the application of burn dressings and the importance of single-use packaging for uncontaminated treatment.

5. Why Choose the Class A ANSI Burn Relief Kit for Your Workplace?

Discover the advantages of having the Class A ANSI burn relief kit in your workplace. From its ability to provide fast and effective burn relief to its compliance with safety standards, we'll outline the reasons why this kit is essential for any organization.


  • Class A ANSI burn relief kit provides certified safety and effective burn care
  • Comprehensive contents ensure fast and reliable treatment
  • Secure and user-friendly design with strong latches and pre-drilled holes
  • Color-coded back plates for easy inventory management
  • Step-by-step instructions guide users in using the kit correctly
  • A must-have for workplaces and sites prone to burn injuries